Availablity Last Date Opening Bids
Quotation notice number 05/EE/MRDCL/2024-25 Dt 22.01.2025: Sealed Quotation for "website redesign, Maintenance Support and hosting for 1 year"
22.01.2025 4:00 PM 29.01.025 4:00 PM
Tender ID :563395 Tender Notice number:01/EE/MRDCL/2024-25 Dt: 28.11.2024 "Maintenance and operation of Monumental Indian National flag on the banks of Musi River at Nagole for a period of 24 Months for the year 2025 and 2026(Recall)".
18.12.2024 6:30 PM 27.12.024 4:00 PM 27.12.2024 4:00Pm 27.12.2024 4:30Pm 28.12.2024 at 4:30pm
Qutation Notice “Maintainance of floating Trash Barrier Including, collection, removal, uploading and transportation of floating materials such as trash, plastics, weed and hyacinath from the Musi river to the designated Dumping Yard of GHMC for 13 months”
20-12-2024 3:00 PM 30-12-2024 6:00 PM
Qutation Notice “Procurement of stationery, Building maintenance ,materials, computer peripherals and other allied articles for official purpose at Tarnaka office and EnC (PH) building office, MRDCL for the year 2025”
21-12-2024 1:00 PM 30/12/2024 4:00 PM
Qutation Notice "Maintenance and Operation of Floating Trash Barrier including Removal and Disposal of Collected Trash from the Musi River to the designated Dumping yard for one year".
13-09-2024 10:30 AM 19-09-2024 3:00 PM
Qutation Notice 1)Annual Maintenance and operation of Monumental Indian National Flag on the banks of Musi River at Nagole for a period of 24 months.
2) Annual Maintenance and Operation of open gym equipments on the banks of Musi River at Nagole for the period from 01.09.2024 to 30.09.2026.

06-09-2024 05:00 PM 13-09-2024 03:00 PM
Tender Notice Number: 01/SE/MRDCL/2024-25 Date: 13-06-2024
Engaging Consultancy Services for assessment of existing condition and structural stability of all elements of existing bridges on Musi River and design of necessary repairs, rehabilitation and strengthening with necessary surveys, preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) along with Bill of Quantities (BOQ) and Tender Documents and Drawings to the existing bridges on Musi River within ORR in the jurisdiction of MRDCL.
13-06-2024 05:00 pM 27-06-2024 04:30 PM 27-06-2024 04:30 PM 27-06-2024 05:00 PM
Quotation Sealed quotations for" Fixing up stake out points using DGPS instrument with the available data on Musi River Boundary & Buffer".
12-06-2024 10:00 AM 18-06-2024 04:00 PM
Quotation:No.07/SE/MRDCL/2023-24 Dt.03.03.2024 Sealed Quotations for “Supply of Prestressed Vibrated Concrete of pedestals by using M40gradeconcrete and 8no’sof 4mm prestressed intended PC wire including necessary supporting fixtures for fencing duly embossing the Logo / Name of MRDCL painted over the surface for Boundary stones at MusiRiver Boundary”.
05-03-2024 10:00 AM 07-03-2024 03:00 PM 07-03-2024 04:00 PM
e-Procurement “REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) for Consultancy Services for Preparing Simulation Model for Hydraulics of Musi River from Osmansagar Dam Downstream Point to ORR East Near Gowrelli and from Himayatsagar Dam Downstream Point to Confluence Point at Bapughat under Musi Riverfront Development Project including Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for Retaining Wall
07-03-2024 - 06:00 pm 06-04-2024 - 02:30 pm 06-04-2024 - 03:00 pm 06-04-2024 - 04:00 pm 07-04-2024 After 04:00 pm
General Expression of Interest (EoI) for "Consultancy services for Aggregate Master Planning of the Musi Riverfront Development Project” in Hyderabad, Telangana State, India
07-02-2024 - 12:00 pm 07-03-2024 - 03:00 pm Extended Date
22-03-2024 - 04.00 PM
07-03-2024 - 03:00 pm
Extended Date
22-03-2024 - 04.00 PM
07-03-2024 - 03:00 pm Extended Date
22-03-2024 - 04.00 PM